Property Mediation in a Family Relationship Setting - A Collaborative Alternative

The Riverina Family Law Pathway Network commenced the new year with a well-attended breakfast at Relationships Australia Canberra & Region’s (RACR) Wagga office.

RACR staff provided a presentation to the Network including Simon Dyson, Senior Family Dispute Resolution (PDR) Practitioner and Property Mediation Specialist, Sara Holmes and Carolyn Keast, FDR trainees, Emma Baldry, Acting Practice Manager of Post Separation Services, and Alarna Wilson, Child Contact Service Coordinator.

Information was provided on how Property Mediation is provided through RACR’s Family Relationship Centre.

Key information covered included:

  • the importance of screening for Domestic and Family Violence;

  • a child focused approach through Child Informed Practice and advocating the voice of a child throughout mediation;

  • a demonstration of a client journey through mediation using a genogram of a fictious “family”; and

  • an explanation of the Children’s Contact Service.

The presentation generated extensive discussion for the Network which provided attendees an opportuntiy to ask further questions and walk away with a great understanding of the service offering available through Relationships Australia in Wagga.