

FCFCOA Court Merger (available until the end of 2021)

15 September 2021

Presented by Lisa O’Neill, Anna Parker, Janet Carmichael & Anne-Marie Rice

Legal Systems Abuse and Coercive Control

26 May 2021

Presented by Professor Heather Douglas


The view of Australian Judicial Officers on domestic and family violence perpetrator interventions

19 October 2020

Presented by Professor JaneMaree Maher

Child Inclusive & Developmentally Focused Dispute Resolution: Two evidence-based methods

2 September 2020

Presented by Professor Jennifer McIntosh


Complex Circumstances: Parents with Intellectual Disabilities

24 June 2020​

Presented by Dr Margaret Spencer

Parenting Capacity & Mental Health

17 June 2020

Presented by Rose Cuff


A Safety Model for Working with Survivors & Perpetrators of Family Violence

10 June 2020

Presented by David Mandel

Linguistic & Cultural Barriers to Aboriginal Access to Justice

3 June 2020

Presented by Ben Grimes


Understanding & Responding to Controlling & Escalating Behaviour in Children

20 May 2020

Presented by Trent Savill