Urgent Helplines

If you can’t find what you are looking for or need further assistance please visit HSNet for a complete list of services in your area


13 11 14 
24 hour crisis phone support and
suicide prevention.

Lifeline Online Chat

7pm till midnight  7 days online


Beyond Blue

1300 22 46 36
Depression & anxiety, 24 hour support.


Access Line Riverina

1800 800 944
24 hour phone support for mental health


Mental Health Line NSW

1800 011 511
24 hour phone support.


Suicide call back service

1300 659 467
24 hour phone support & online chat for suicide prevention and for those affected by suicide.



1800 737 732
24 hour confidential  phone service for sexual assault, domestic & family violence.

Mensline Australia

1300 789 978
24  hour phone counselling for men.

Kids Help Line

1800 55 1800
24 hour phone line for youths.  5yrs– 25yrs
Web chat visit www.kidshelp.com.au

Child Protection Helpline

132 111
24 hour helpline

Parent Line

1300 1300 52
Phone support for parents until 9pm, 7 days.

Carers Gateway

1800 422 737
counselling for carers 8am– 6pm weekdays



1300 726 306
Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia
Phone counselling 9am– 7.30pm weekdays


Translating & Interpreting Service

131 450