Post Separation Parenting Apps - what you need to know

On 13 June 2023 the Riverina Family Law Pathway Network had a special guest speaker presenting recent research study on family law professionals’ views of post-separation parenting apps.

Academic Bruce Smyth, Professor of Family Studies at the Australian National University, presented the findings of the study, highlighting the importance for the network to understand the risks as well as the benefits of post-separation parenting apps.

As mobile phones and the range of applications (or apps) offered have become an essential part of modern life, family law professionals are increasingly being asked to recommend apps to assist with co-parenting following a separation. The study conducted draws on qualitative data from an online survey of family law professionals across Australia and New Zealand regarding their attitudes towards co-parenting apps.

These apps usually comprise a messaging tool, shared calendar, expense tracker, and a means to download messages and documents for courts. Bruce outlined the results of research in Australia and New Zealand that highlighted the importance of practitioners trialing the apps themselves and understanding their features before recommending. 

Three broad potential benefits of co-parenting app features were identified: accountability, convenience, and containment. However, the same were identified as posing a variety of potential risks, including technology-facilitated abuse, depending on context. He explained how professionals need a good understanding of the potential benefits and risks of apps, along with the contextual factors that can determine outcomes to get the best outcome for clients.

 To learn more the full report can be read in the: