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Webinar: The Voice of the Child in International Child Abduction

ACT & Region Family Law Pathways Network presents the Voice of the Child in International Abduction webinar.

Cost: Free

The Family Law Pathways Network (ACT & Region) is pleased to invite Dr Michelle Fernando to present her research in an online Webinar this October. The Webinar will discuss the voice of the child in international child abduction, with reference to the Hague Convention on Internation Child Abductions. Dr Fernando will be accompanied by the Honorable John Faulks who will be providing commentary throughout the presentation. Dr Fernando and former Deputy Chief Justice Faulks have presented together, and often disagreed cordially, on several occasions over the past decade. After the presentation, there will be an opportunity for an audience Q&A with both Dr Fernando and the Hon John Faulks.

Dr Michelle Fernando, Senior Lecturer in Law, University of South Australia: Dr Michelle Fernando is a family law lecturer and academic, and a former family lawyer. Dr Fernando’s research focuses on the voices of children in family law matters, including proceedings under the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction. Dr Fernando recently gave evidence to the Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs on the Family Law Amendment Bill 2023, in relation to the voice of the child. Her submission was cited extensively in the Committee’s Report and her recommendation to repeal the ‘strength of feeling’ test for children’s objections to return in Hague child abduction cases was adopted by the Committee. Dr Fernando’s research on children’s voices has been widely published nationally and internationally, and she is a co-author of Family Law in Australia (10th Ed, LexisNexis 2021).

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